Our Year in Review
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As we look back on the year 2023, we can assert that it has presented a multitude of challenges that have affected us all. As an applied research organisation, our leading knowledge and research facilities enable innovations, and allows us to bridge the gap between science, industry and government. 

Over the course of 2023, our efforts were devoted to hundreds of research projects. Too many projects to condense, but we can look back with a sense of accomplishment on what we have achieved, particularly in relation to our steadfast commitments across our three strategic themes: Sustainable aviation, Competitive aerospace and Safe and secure society.

A curated selection of our noteworthy research projects is featured in the showreel below. 


Maria Luz Montero_oranje
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Of course, this is a mere glimpse of collaborations, projects and research we have been working on over the past year. Next to these, there are more initiatives and collaborations worth mentioning.