Royal NLR has been an ambitious, knowledge-based organisation for more than a hundred years, with a deep seated desire to keep innovating. To that end, we offer specific, innovative solutions and technical expertise. We do this for instance at NLR’s state-of-the-art research infrastructure and field labs, simulators and wind tunnels.
Since 1919, our professionals work tirelessly on new technology, never hesitating to think outside the box when developing market solutions that match contemporary trends and respond effectively to global challenges. In the series ‘NLR People’, we show you who these experts at the Royal Netherlands Aerospace Centre are, what drives them, and what they are working on behind the scenes.
Jos Vankan
Making it work: sustainable aviation
Ellen van Leeuwen
Using data to comply with noise standards and regulations
Johan Kos
A mathematician’s search for sustainable aviation solutions
Maria Montero
Turning additive manufacturing into a standard production route for aerospace
Marthijn Tuinstra
The magic of aeroacoustics: the noise created by airflows
Jenny Eaglestone
The human side of aviation
Roel van Benthem
‘We’ll be flying in hydrogen-powered aircraft ten years from now’
Jürgen Teutsch
‘We’re moving towards new forms of airborne traffic’
Arjan de Jong
Aircraft design for maintenance
Arun Karwal
From calibration to zero-G test flights
Gerard van Es
Making the aviation sector even safer
Shafeeq Kasiemkhan
“Without our work, no plane can take to the air”
Jaco Verpoorte
“Smart adaptive antennas for safe and more sustainable aviation”