- To design instrument flight procedures, conventional or based on PBN
- To replace conventional approach or departure procedures by PBN procedures
- To develop ATS, arrival or departure routes
- To optimise (Standard Instrument) Departures procedures
- A second opinion regarding flight procedures for ICAO PANS-OPS compliance and operational flyability
- To assess flight procedure design for obstacle clearance or operational minima
- To evaluate the environmental or noise impact of a flight procedure
- To integrate instrument flight procedures in the ATM environment
- To know the operational acceptability of procedure changes for pilots and ATC controllers
- To implement dedicated helicopter procedures

ACCEPTA project: development of EGNOS based LPV (SBAS APV) approach procedures at EHGG airport
NLR has expertise and experience to assess, develop or modify flight procedures. Flight procedure designs will be made in compliance with ICAO design criteria, taking into account constraints stemming from environment, Air Traffic Management and flight operation. NLR has a number of qualified Instrument Flight Procedure Designers who have been trained at ANI in accordance to ICAO regulations, including ICAO Doc 8168 PANS-OPS and Doc 9905 RNP-AR. As a flight procedure design tool, NLR uses the latest version of FPDAM (Flight Procedure Design and Management ) software.
NLR is able to offer the full spectrum in the design and validation of flight procedures, since we have the capability and facilities to evaluate and validate a procedure design at any stage in the development process. The conceptual design and conops associated with a new procedure can be developed, based on user requirements and stakeholder consultations.
As necessary, the impact of a new procedure on environment, capacity and workload will be assessed using different tools and methods. If required, a procedure can be evaluated both in fast-time (e.g. from a simple evaluation in excel to a more complex FTS using our AirTOp simulation tool) and in real-time with human-in-the-loop using the NARSIM. This gives great flexibility to assess a given procedure design as part of the overall operation in a given airspace or around an airport.
At a later stage in the design process, ground and flight validation can be carried out by our experts and flight validation pilots using own tools and the NLR Citation II flight inspection aircraft.
NLR is certified as a Flight Procedure Design Service Provider in accordance with Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/373. The scope of services/functions is limited to Validation of Flight Procedures. Design and Documentation of Flight Procedures (including maintenance and periodic review) and Independent IFP Design Review are out of scope.
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Related Issues
- Area navigation (RNAV)
- Baro VNAV
- FPDAM (Flight Procedure Design and Management)
- ICAO Doc 8168 PANS-OPS (Procedures for Air Navigation Services — Aircraft Operations)
- ICAO Doc 9905 RNP-AR (Required Navigation Performance Authorization Required)
- Instrument Flight Procedure Design IFPD
- NBD approach procedures
- Performance Based Navigation (PBN)
- Point-In-Space PINS
- Required Navigation Performance (RNP) – Authorisation Required (AR)
- RNAV Visual