Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul
Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul
If you are maintaining aircraft or if you are looking for innovative maintenance technologies to improve the availability of your aircraft or to reduce costs, NLR can support you. Or if you want to prepare for the future of aircraft MRO, we are your sparring partner.
Operators, maintenance organisations and OEMs aim for maximum aircraft availability at minimal costs. This objective drives, to a large extent, the value of aircraft maintenance. Achieving these goals requires expert knowledge and game-changing technologies. NLR offers practical solutions for excellence in maintenance operations and innovative maintenance technologies to improve availability and affordability for civil and military maintenance organizations, airlines and OEMs.
Maintenance Management
NLR creates smarter organisations by providing managerial decision support tools and consultancy services for strategic challenges. We are capable of balancing business, economic and technological issues.
Maintenance Technology
NLR creates smarter technologies by developing innovative soft and hardware tools and solutions. We create new maintenance resources and capabilities. We employ cutting-edge knowledge and technologies to automate maintenance tasks and processes using robotics, prognostics and artificial intelligence.
Maintenance Engineering
NLR creates smarter solutions by combining existing knowledge, techniques and methods. We optimise your maintenance operation, maintenance planning, and resources, spares and personnel allocation. We drive process and product improvements, for example with quantitative data analysis.
Maintenance Training
NLR creates smart training curriculums and training devices with state-of-the-art training concepts and technologies. We create training value using state-of-the-art training design principles and modern technologies such as virtual and augmented reality.
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NLR launches DCMC to keep knowledge on composites moving forward