RINGO project workshop (on invitation only)
The Flightpath 2050 (FP2050) strategy document has provided Europe with a vision for aviation and air transportation, identifying goals for the research community and policy makers alike. In order to achieve these challenging long-term goals, it is imperative to ensure that the required infrastructure for research activities addressing these challenges is available both to the necessary extent and in the required timeframe. RINGO (“Research Infrastructures – Needs, Gaps and Overlaps”) is a Coordination and Support Action funded by the European Commission under H2020 aimed at delivering a cohesive and coordinated approach for the identification and assessment of the needs, gaps and overlaps for strategic aviation research infrastructures in Europe. To specifically access needs and gaps in aeroacoustics, a dedicated workshop will be organized by RINGO for invited specialists.
Contact: Lis Weilandt (RWTH), lis.weilandt@ilr.rwth-aachen.de