AoC number


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Secondary domain



Increasing understanding of the capabilities/limits of human performance and of best practices for human-machine interaction. Increasing pressure to augment humans with automated systems and/or decision-support systems may characterize future design philosophies. Systems must be designed from the start to take advantage of human flexibility and creativity and to augment human abilities and limitations with computers in ground and aircraft systems.

Also valid for future ATC workstations, AOCs, maintenance, etc.

Part of the uncertainty of the future involves the potential dichotomy between human-centered and techno-centered automation.

Potential hazard

  1. Inaccurate assessment of total system safety due to failure to take credit for the human contribution to recover from adverse events

Corroborating sources and comments

  • Dynamic Task Allocation: Issues for Implementing Adaptive Intelligent Automation, Richard R. Sherry and Frank E. Ritter, Technical Report No. ACS 2002-2, 8 July 2002, Penn State School of Information Sciences and Technology
  • A Tool for the Assessment of the Impact of Change in Automated ATM Systems on Mental Workload, Eurocontrol, Edition Number 1.0, Edition Date 31.08.2004

Last update
