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Individual flight-specific trajectory changes resulting from TMIs will be disseminated to the appropriate Air Navigation Service Provider (ANSP) automation for tactical approval and execution. This capability will increase the agility of the National Airspace System (NAS) to adjust and respond to dynamically changing conditions such as impacting weather, congestion, and system outages. OI-105208 Traffic Management Initiatives with Flight Specific Trajectories

Performance analysis, where throughput is constrained, is the basis for strategic operations planning. Continuous (real-time) constraints are provided to ANSP traffic management decision-support tools and NAS users. Evaluation of NAS performance is both a real-time activity feedback tool and a post-event analysis process. Flight day evaluation metrics are complementary and consistent with collateral sets of metrics for airspace, airport, and flight operations. OI 105302 Continuous Flight Day evaluation

Timely and accurate NAS information enables users to plan and fly routings that meet their objectives. Constraint information that impacts the proposed route of flight is incorporated into ANSP automation, and is available to users. examples of constraint information include Special Use Airspace (SUA) status, Significant Meteorological Information (SIGMeTS), infrastructure outages, and significant congestion events. OI 101102 Provide Air Full Flight Plan Constraint evaluation with Feedback

Potential hazard

FAA AJP-61 has initiated a human hazard assessment of Segment Bravo. The Segment Bravo activity focuses on a human performance hazard analysis of NextGen Segment Bravo. A documented hazard analysis will identify specific NextGen OIs and increments that have an impact on the safety aspects of human performance in the National Airspace System. Additionally, the report will identify: 1. new capabilities and functions that are introduced as a result of NextGen Segment Bravo; 2. hazards that stem from human performance or human error; 3. new capabilities that erode the current level of safety; and 4. new human error modes that are introduced by NextGen technologies, techniques, or procedures.

The OV6c Off-Nominal Scenario Analysis activity will involve a complete Human Hazard Assessment for new NextGen Operational concepts and off-nominal scenarios. As new information and operational scenarios are developed, human hazard assessments will be completed and hazards will be added to the human hazard database. These reported hazards will summarize the results of new human hazard assessments completed over the period of performance. Included in these assessments will be off-nominal operational scenarios.

Projected completion: FY2014

Regionally implemented systems will not only increase the cost of installation of equipment but also increase operational hazards.

Corroborating sources and comments

2014 – The Airport CDM project integrates processes and systems aiming at improving the overall efficiency of operations at European airports. Particularly focusing on the aircraft turn-round and pre-departure sequencing process. This in turn allows the ATM Network to run more fluidly. Flight and Flow — Information for a

Collaborative Environment (FF-ICE). The FF-ICE takes into consideration the requirements of the ATM community, including the military, to achieve a “common picture” in global ATM. The focus on cooperation should be, in particular, in the areas of data security, data exchange, data integrity, and data sharing.

May 2013

Collaborative Air Traffic Management Technologies (CATMT) is a NextGen Transformational Program that provides enhancements to the existing Traffic Flow Management System (TFMS).

CATMT Work Package 2 consists of:

Arrival Uncertainty Management (AUM) – the Unified Delay Program (UDP) automates the use of historical data for the number of arrival slots to be reserved for unscheduled demand.

Weather Integration – integrates the display of the Corridor Integrated Weather System (CIWS) product onto the TFMS display; integrates the Route Availability Planning Tool (RAPT) onto the TFMS display.

Collaborative Airspace Constraint Resolution (CACR) – automated decision support tool that identifies constrained airspace and assists traffic planners with formulating solutions while taking into account airspace user preferences.

Airborne Re-routes – provides the ability to transmit TFMS generated re-routes to ATC automation for execution.

CATMT Work Package 3 provides a major re-architecture of the existing Traffic Flow Management System remote sites and one functional enhancement. WP3 consists of:

TFMS Remote Site Re-engineering (TRS-R) – hardware and software re-architecture of the decision support tool suite used by traffic managers. Necessary to provide an integrated tool suite and to match the software architecture of the modernized TFMS hubsite.

Collaborative Information Exchange (CIX) – increased situational awareness and improved constraint prediction by the incorporation of data made available via System Wide Information Management (SWIM) mechanisms. Examples are Special Use Airspace (SUA) status and surface event information.

FAA AVS Workplan for NextGen 2012, P. 66

NextGen Air Traffic Control/ Technical Operations Human Factors (Controller Efficiency & Air Ground Integration) Research and Development Plan, AJP-61, FY 2011

Last update
